Thursday, June 28, 2012

3rd Thursday: JUNE 2012

3rd Thursday last week was so fun! My friend Martha's shop Fluffy Pop made its debut and was very well recieved, with lots of great feedback, I am so proud and happy!!

One of my favorite things about the art walk is seeing friends that I ONLY see at the art walk. It is so fun to wander around bumping into people and catching up on what they are up to for the summer.

The question that I always get asked (by friends, family and other teachers) is: 'What are you doing all summer?" Well, I am not teaching summer I am pretty honest with my answer: "What ever I want."

I've already been to the movies twice this week....and I take naps. I work out whenever I feel like it. I might go to one zumba class, one spin class, and then hit the trails another day....I try to keep the house clean, but some spaces are just always cluttered, because at the moment I do not have enough hangers for all of my clothing so it just piles up outside my closet. My studio is a dizaster. I made up that word. It means dizzying-disaster and I do not want to approach the clean up and rebuilding process.

I hear coworkers bragging about how their house is so clean and dinner is done for the day but I don't really feel like those are worthy accomplishments, I've got a serious to-do list for this summer....and I've started some massive mosaic tile projects (more about that later).

Anyway, here are some shots from downtown last Thursday.

Me and Martha

I decided to try something fun for the summer.....Last Thursday, Heather and I died my hair Ombre.....its fun, but it will go back to normal before school starts!

1 comment:

Maria Ontiveros said...

Okay, I misread the title and added an extra "o", which led to a very funny mental image (yet somehow I still thought it would work as the name of a etsy store!