1. Sewing. I got a sewing machine for Christmas so have been making aprons to wear at school. I have also been sewing on paper--SEW fun!!

2. Went to see Avatar in 3D last night...visually stunning....an epic story courtesy of James Cameron directing....

(p.s. I am really excited to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D)
3. Thinking of buying some workout equipment....seriously, the roads are so slick, still covered in slippery slush and ice from the storm last week and I really need a good workout. I don't want to buy a gym membership because I will never use it....I hate bumping in to people at the gym....and I don't like it when people can watch me work out....Also, I have been feeling super fat lately. {maybe it is the chocolate covered donuts I am eating as I write this??}

4. Watching Dexter....just finished season 4...wow.....
5. Working on my December Daily...I have decided to make it go through January 3rd since I am on Christmas break and lots of things are still going on with my friends and family. I will take some pictures today.....
6. Taking down the Christmas decorations. I hate it that I am spending all of my vacation cleaning house and taking down the holiday decor, but I just can't stand it anymore, I want the house to be clean so that I can find some inspiration to create. I hate it when I feel so creative but I don't have time to make anything and then when I do have the time (like now) I don't feel inspired at all!!! Don't get me wrong, I am still making stuff with my sewing machine...but I just don't feel that 'inspired' vibe....that mojo...the creative juice that pushes me to make something new and amazing.
7. Wearing tons of headbands. Look at this LoveTaza headband I got for Christmas...it is AWESOME!

8. Playing Words with Friends. I am addicted to this scrabble game on my phone. Username: nelliemaeii if you want to play me.
9. Getting ready to start Style School. It looks like it will be an amazing class, starting very soon...I have been trying to gather supplies.
10. Not sleeping in....It is my vacation and I just can't sleep in....booooo...All well, I can get more done if I get up early. ;-)
*some images from we heart it....
Those are definitely 2 movies on my HAVE to see list. Johnny Depp is AWESOME....I need to work out so badly. Sewing on paper is so easy!!!! But faux stitching is easier, I am so lazy ha ha!
I'm so excited for Alice in Wonderland, too... it's always been a favorite of mine! I've got lots of great ideas for artwork, sewing projects, etc. But I've been too lazy to do any of them! Let's get inspired on the 31st!
LOVE the headband! Can't wait to see what you create in style school :)
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