I thought it would be fun to write up some little letters and include some of my favorite recent iPhone images. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!
Dear raisinettes and parsnips,
This week I am addicted to slicing up bananas and eating them on a plate with a spoon and throwing in some raisinettes for a wonderfully delicious snack. I have also made two recipes with parsnips this week. Roasted veggies and mashed veggies. Both recipes also used used sweet potatoes and other healthy things. YAY and YUM!! (This picture has nothing to do with the little letter, but it is pretty!!)

Dear pretty nail polish,
Right now I am only wearing you on my toes...and since it is winter no one gets to see how pretty you are! I can't wait for spring.

Dear Japanese owl,
You need a name. You are the cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on. I squeal whenever I look at you. I am so glad we are friends. Thank you for letting me adopt you.

Dear thrift store luggage,
You rock! I didn't get to adopt you last weekend. I just don't have the space for such a large set of use luggage. You are way cool and I will just have to admire you in this photo.

Dear antique shop junk,
I know that it is not possible to bring home everything that I fall in love with without risk of becoming a candidate for that show 'Hoarders'...but I love finding inspiration in all the beautiful things that exist in the world. I love how these sweet little Japanese characters are so colorful, they would look gorgeous in a kid's room!

Dear pancakes,
You are delicious. I always seem to burn the first one...but I love you anyway. Thanks for being so awesome! I love a series of photos that tells the story of a meal!

Dear single socks,
Whenever I banish you to that lonely hamper in the back room, the goal is for you to find your sockmate and never part. I want you to live happily ever after with the one that completes you. Please, try a little harder to live together in perfect harmony. I hate seeing you so lonely. You two are a match made in heaven. Find each other. Please. Quit hanging out with all the other singles, it just isn't right. Also, how is possible that I can have so many single argyle socks in one house???

Dear ceramic clowns,
Why are you so scary?

Dear Valentine candy,
Last week when I had strep throat and I had to wait 30 minutes for my prescription you saved me. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed because I had a fever and fevers make me feel so sick and horrible....thanks to your chocolatey goodness I was able to wait patiently in my car at the drug store. Thank you for helping me to make the most of a bad situation!

Dear school,
Sometimes I am frustrated to the point of tears because I feel like I am doing my very best but it still isn't good enough. I will work hard and continue to strive for the very best but I really need to know that I am doing a good job and I am making a difference.

Dear chores,
I am doing my best to stay caught up on laundry and other household chores. It is so hard in winter because I just want to lay under a quilt whenever it is cold outside. I wish I was naturally less of a pig pen....I am a bit of a slob and I annoy myself sometimes. So chores....if you could find away to do yourself, I would greatly appreciate it! (Esp. Laundry!)