Sunday, October 21, 2012

my first fried twinkie ever.

If you've never been to the War Eagle craft fair in Arkansas, you should really try to go just once.

 And if you do are a few things to keep in mind.

 #1 It really doesn't matter if you go at 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., you will be stuck in traffic for at least an be ready to entertain yourself.
#2 The traffic really isn't that bad...because you are surrounded by Arkansas in the fall. And it is gorgeous.
#3 Watch out for Turkey legs in the parking field. We ran over this one. It made me hungry for a turkey leg. And then I saw the grease stain on the tire. And I still wanted one.
#4 Put a bird on it.
#5 War Eagle has amazing food. I decided to try something new. A fried twinkie. My first ever. And probably my last. It tasted like a funnel cake.

#6 Funnel cakes and kettle corn are delicious.

#7 Cotton candy is delicious too. Especially to kids.
#8 There are some pretty cool crafts at War Eagle. Many of the things I saw were from Pinterest. Some were new to me...and I thought, hey, I wonder if I can find a DIY for that on Pinterest....or hey, I could probably figure that out...and do it with my students....I wonder where I can get 50 metal rods?
#9 Wear comfortable shoes.
#10 Or just have someone push you in a stroller.
#11 Real craftsmen are so cool.
#12 Some people are hard core about craft fairs. Rain, sleet, or two broke feet....they are there. (Back to # 9, wear comfortable shoes.)

#13 Arkansas really is beautiful this time of year. My favorite part of the whole event was sitting by the river, enjoying the shade, watching the people.

Some of my favorite memories are days like this. When the sun is shining, and I'm trying something new. I'm so happy to have my new camera. It was a fun day taking pictures and telling the story of War Eagle. 


  1. Such gorgeous pictures! I haven't been to this particular craft fair, but I've always heard it's amazing. Must put it on the list....

  2. Great photos - especially #10! Such a great record of the day.
