Friday, August 20, 2010

A REAL post, please.....

Who am I as a blogger? Am I a leader? Am I a follower?

Why do I like fawns and owls? And vintage? And the hipstamatic? And holga?

Is it because of the blogs I read?

I think so....I find myself gravitating towards stripes when I go shopping because of bloggers who wear the cutest stripes in the whole world....

I think it has to do with subliminal advertising. If I see something over and over again, I WANT it. Whether it is a coke, french fries, or a cool headband. Even if I do not realize that I am subjecting myself to the influences of others....I totally am.....

Blog hopping, seeing certain themes over and over influences the decisions I make when I go shopping....when I 'like' a certain photo on Flickr.....

And the influence seeps into my blog content. Whenever I click on a 'New' blog on someone's sidebar, it seems like they are exactly like me. And all the blogs on their sidebar are exactly like them, and so on and so on forever.

And I have a feeling everyone's blog content is starting to look them same.

Are all blogs starting to look the same?

Say it isn't so!

I love to get inspiration from the internet, especially blogs...Inspiration posts from we heart it, favorite interiors found online, an occasional music video youtube video, a DIY, a recipe......

Am I capable of new content? Is any blogger? Are we all just FLUFF?

My goal for the next 6 months is to step away from 'inspiration' posts.....and try to create REAL content. Real is more important than happy.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good 'happy' feel-good post just as much as the rest, but I crave the real life of the writer. I love to make new connections.

Either with my art, photos, writing.....however I find it....I am going to try to be original. I've given it a go this week....

I may post LESS often, but I hope that my posts are more vibrant, more powerful, more creative.

I have found a few new blogs on Blogs of Note.....and they are less about fashion, crafts, etc...some are about reality T.V. (I know, REAL content, right?).....but I am on a quest to find some REALLY great blogs.

Do you have a great blog that is nothing like mine? Do you have a favorite blog that is powerful?

Share it in the comments, I would love to read something NEW!

Oh and the photo above is of my brother and is family at the INSPIRES ME!! It is real life and it is really special.


  1. Favorite different blog is - two gay guys who blog about a variety of tv shows and fashion. Tons of fun.
    For social commentary, I really like mark morford of the San francisco chronicle.
    I think the rest of the blogs on my reader are craft/art/photo related. Tara Whitney has recently written some very personal, honest, heart wrenching posts about keeping it real.

  2. Hello Nellie,

    I just started a blog...only a few posts so far. I like our idea of creating REAL me thinking about my content and its value.
    Dunno if its your cuppa tea, but you can give it a read if you like.

    Here's the link:


  3. Dance to the beat of your own drum! Love it!

  4. Hey Nellie! I'm blog stalking you. This may not be what you are looking for, but I love this blog by a man with Asperger's Syndrome. He spoke at my work, and he loves new followers. -Morgan

  5. Ooh, I'm definitely checking out Morgan's suggestion!

    A LOT of the blogs I read right now are running or outdoors blogs. I go through phases...right now it's running. I love reading other peoples' adventures; they inspire me and remind me that, no matter what I've managed to accomplish on my feet, there is lots left that could be done. I love to read about people doing things that I wouldn't have considered...until I read them.

    My blog isn't all that interesting (unless you're me), but I love the Jill Outside blog

    and RBR at

  6. You are right. Many are starting to look and sound the same! I was actually going through all the blogs I'm currently following when I happened upon your post. You've retained my follower-ship :-)

  7. Where has your blog been all my life? I love your pics by the way. Never knew the iphone could be so cool. I miss taking holga pics but time is one thing I don't have as an art teacher!!!
